COVID-19 update from the Legislative Coordinator April 29

BC Update: We now have 2,053 cases in BC, up 329 since last week. There have been 105 deaths due to COVID-19. Most of the new cases are related to outbreaks at chicken processing facilities. Only 94 people are in hospital due to the virus, of which 37 are in intensive care.

BC Emergency Benefit for Workers (BCEBW): Applications will open on May 1st for this one-time tax-free $1000 payment for British Columbians whose ability to work has been affected as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Applications can be made online at: To be eligible for the BCEBW, people must:

  • have been a resident of British Columbia on March 15, 2020;
  • meet the eligibility requirements for the CERB;
  • have been approved for the CERB, even if they have not received a benefit yet;
  • be at least 15 years old on the date of application;
  • have filed, or agree to file, a 2019 B.C. income tax return; and
  • not be receiving provincial income assistance or disability assistance.

Safe Shelter & Supports for those in Major Encampments: The Province is working with the cities of Vancouver and Victoria to transition people living in encampments in Oppenheimer Park, Topaz Park and on Pandora Avenue into safe, temporary accommodations with wraparound supports to protect their health and safety in the overlapping COVID-19 and overdose crises. The Province is working on comprehensive long-term plans to secure permanent housing with appropriate supports for those leaving the encampments and moving into safe, temporary accommodations.

Provincial Justice System Advisory Groups Established: The Ministry of Attorney General is establishing two advisory groups to support government response to the impact of restrictive public health measures on the justice system. The Justice COVID-19 Response Group deals with urgent and arising issues in the court system. The Cross-Jurisdictional Technical Advisory Group are developing best practice technology and other measures to reduce backlogs and deliver access to justice to British Columbians during and post-pandemic.

Family Caregiver Support Increased: The Province is doubling this year’s funding for Family Caregivers of British Columbia, a not-for-profit organization that supports people who are caring for elderly loved ones, family or friends, to $1 million, helping support both caregivers and seniors.

Small Business Rent Relief: Launching in mid-May 2020, the new federal-provincial Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance Program (CECRA) will provide a 75% reduction in monthly rent for small businesses affected by COVID-19 by providing forgivable loans to cover 50% of the rent payments for eligible small business tenants for April, May and June. The loans will be forgiven if the landlord reduces the tenant’s monthly rent by at least 75%. The commercial tenant would be responsible for covering 25%, the property owner 25%, while the federal and provincial governments share the remaining 50%.

Rural Internet Funding: The province will be providing targeted funding to internet service providers for immediate network equipment upgrades to rapidly improve capacity and internet speeds in rural, remote and Indigenous communities in British Columbia.

In solidarity,

Justin Schmid

CUPE Legislative Coordinator – BC Region
