Update on Retro Pay for CUPE 2081

All current employees at the date of ratification have had their retro pay calculated and the deposit will be made on next week’s payday: Friday, August 14th.
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank-you to those in Finance and other departments who have done the extra work required to have this completed quickly for our members!

Previous employees who were no longer employed by the College as of the date of ratification and have applied or are applying, will have their applications reviewed and processed once the application deadline has passed on August 25th, 2020.

Who is required to apply for retro pay?

Any former employees who worked for Camosun College and were part of the CUPE bargaining unit between July 1, 2019 and June 1, 2020 need to apply to Camosun College by August 25, 2020 in order to be eligible and receive the increased amount as retroactive pay.  If you were a former employee whom this applies to, please follow the link provided directly below to submit your application for retroactive pay:

Link: CUPE Retro Pay Application Form
*Please note the application deadline is Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Once you have submitted the application form, the Camosun Finance Payroll team will be reviewing the details of your application to determine eligibility and, if eligible, calculating the amount of retro pay due to you. A reminder that this calculation is complex and will take time to verify and calculate for eligible former CUPE employees. The estimated completion of payments is the end of September 2020; however, as a result of the complexity of this calculation and the unknown number of eligible applicants, the date of when this will be completed cannot be confirmed with certainty. Please note that you will receive an email when your application has been processed for payment.

  • Members on regular recurring lay off do NOT need to apply — you are still considered employed.
  • Members on leaves of absence do NOT need to apply — you are still considered employed.

As always, if you have any questions, please email cupe2081@camosun.ca if you have any questions!