Annual General Meeting: March 26

This March 26, your union will be holding its Annual General Meeting where you will be electing your Executive. We encourage each of you to attend and make you voice heard!  We will be sending out the agenda in the very near future. Please be on the lookout for it!

Positions that are up for election according to our By-Laws are as follows:

Vice-President – 2 Year Term
Secretary-Treasurer – 2 Year Term
Recording Secretary – 2 Year Term
Job Evaluation Coordinator – 2 Year Term
Chief Shop Steward/Office Coordinator – 2 Year Term
Trustee (1 position) – 3 Year Term
Member-At-Large (2 positions) – 1 Year Term
Interurban Campus Steward (By-Election) – 1 Year remaining in term
Vancouver Island District Council (11 positions) – 1 Year Term
Victoria Labour Council (5 positions) – 1 Year term
JOSH CUPE Committee (2 positions) – 1 Year term

If you have any questions about any of the positions, please feel free to contact the CUPE 2081 office or President Tony Nelson

Important dates – March & April

March 08: International Women’s Day – Across the country, CUPE will hold events to honour the accomplishments of women and renew our commitment to gender equality.  This year’s theme is Make It Happen and will help mark the economic, political and social achievements of women.

March 21: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – Canada’s track record on racial discrimination is not so stellar.  Our collective history includes theft of indigenous lands, the residential school system that stripped Aboriginal people of their language, culture and identities, the Chinese Head Tax, the internment of Japanese Canadians during World War II and a racially selective immigration policy. CUPE is committed to eliminating racial discrimination in our workplaces and communities.

March 22: World Water Day – This is a day to step up our work to defend public water and waste water services.  We can all take action in our workplaces and in our neighbourhoods. Just recently, your provincial government signed a deal with Nestle that sold the company the rights to bottle your natural resource for $2.25 for 1,000,000 litres of water.  The total cost that Nestle will pay your provincial government for the right to bottle 250,000,000 litres of water will be a total of $562!  Take the pledge and vow not to buy bottled water.

April 08: Day of Pink – CUPE is proud to advocate for LGBTTI rights and will continue to fight against discrimination, harassment and hate in the workplace and in our communities.

April 22: Earth Day – CUPE represents 627,000 workers in a wide variety of jobs.  Many of these jobs have an environmental component, such as in municipal water work; compost, recycling and waste collection; energy generation and distribution and other jobs. CUPE members can help contribute to a greener workplace and world.  Public sector work is integral to sustaining and enriching Canadian communities.  CUPE has a responsibility, as a large organization, to set a positive environmental example through its own policies and procedures.

April 28: National Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured at the Workplace – In 1984 CUPE’s National Health & Safety Committee proposed the first Day of Mourning.  Since then, CUPE members and workers around the world pause to remember those that have been injured made ill, maimed or killed because they went to work.

Joint Early Intervention Program (JEIP) committee representative


The JEIP representative position has been filled. Congratulations Mary Bronson, and thanks for stepping up!


CUPE 2081 is seeking a representative for the Joint Early Intervention Program (JEIP) committee. Details of the program and the Terms of Reference can be found here.

In a nutshell, the JEIP is a completely confidential program that is fully supported by Camosun and your Union and provides a proactive service that facilitates a return to work in a caring, safe, and timely manner.  Our JEIP Committee is comprised of equal representation from both the Union and the Employer.

If you are interested in being a CUPE 2081 representative on this committee, please contact your Union office at Local 3665 or at Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Statement to Victoria Labour Council re: Sister Amber Hockin

In solidarity with CUPE BC and the sentiments expressed in a recent letter by CUPE BC President Mark Hancock, I have been asked to bring the following concern forward to the Victoria Labour Council:

In November 2014, CUPE BC supported Sister Amber Hockin in her campaign to become President of the BC Federation of Labour. Sister Hockin lost narrowly to Sister Irene Lanzinger.

Immediately after the BC Federation of Labour convention, Sister Hockin was demoted by her employer, the Canadian Labour Congress, from her position as Pacific Regional Director of the Canadian Labour Congress. This appears to be in direct contravention of her Collective Agreement and her right to seek elected office in the labour movement.

CUPE 2081 is deeply disappointed that even though a grievance has been filed on Sister Hockin’s behalf, the employer has not backed down from their decision.

I ask the Executive of the Victoria Labour Council, and all persons in this room, to take a moment and think about what your union would do if one of your members were treated in this manner.

In Solidarity,

Earle Thompson
Communications Officer
CUPE 2081