Municipal Pension Plan – Informational Webinars Available

Please see a list of links and resources to upcoming changes to the Municipal Pension Plan!
CUPE 2081 Members are affected. Please direct questions you may have to MPP, not CUPE 2081. Contact information for MPP linked below!

MPP Approaching Retirement Webinar
Are you planning for or within five years of retirement? This 75-minute webinar will help you learn more about your pension. Webinars are hosted using Zoom. You can find more information about using Zoom in your registration confirmation email. Different dates available, please click link to choose and register:

MPP Making the Most of Your Pension Plan
Are you establishing your career or several years away from retirement? Learn how the decisions you make throughout your career can affect your pension in this 75-minute webinar. Webinars are hosted using Zoom. You can find more information about using Zoom in your registration confirmation email. Different dates available, please click link to choose and register:

MPP – Have Questions or Need Help?

AGM Election Outcomes

Greetings CUPE Local 2081 Members!

Thank you to all the members that were able to attend Monday night’s AGM! Below is a list of election results for positions that were available.
We look forward to serving the membership!


2 year terms

  • Vice President: SHANE JOHNSON (elected)
  • Secretary Treasurer: PETTY WONG (acclaimed)
  • Recording Secretary: MICHEL TURCOTTE (acclaimed)
  • Lead Shop Steward/Office Coordinator: ERYNNE GRANT (acclaimed)
  • Job Evaluation Coordinator: MILO ANSTEY (acclaimed)

1 year terms

  • Member at Large: RANBIR PRIHAR (acclaimed)
  • Member at Large: NAJI YAZDI (acclaimed)
  • Campus Shop Steward: JESSE SCOTT (acclaimed)
  • Campus Shop Steward: SHIRLEY WENDLAND (acclaimed)
  • Health and Safety Committee members elected at the Annual General Meeting: QUINN PARK and NANCY-ELLEN MABEY (acclaimed)

3 year term

  • Trustee: MELISSA DAVIDSON (acclaimed)

Vancouver Island District Council (VIDC)

Representative: SHANE JOHNSON
Representative: KEITH TODD
Representative: MICHEL TURCOTTE
Representative: PAMELA VIVIAN
Representative: APRIL ATKINS
Representative: JESSE SCOTT
Representative: vacant
Representative: vacant
Representative: vacant
Representative: vacant

 Victoria Labour Council (VLC)

Representative: PAMELA VIVIAN
Representative: SHANE JOHNSON
Representative: NICOLE REINELT
Representative: APRIL ATKINS

CUPE BC Convention

CUPE 2081 at the CUPE BC Provincial Convention on May 19-21 2021. Five (5) Members elected by the membership to attend, plus President Keith Todd.
Elected Members:



In solidarity.

Annual General Meeting – This Monday @5pm

Greetings CUPE Local 2081 Members!

We invite you to attend the Annual General Membership meeting via Zoom on MONDAY, MARCH 22nd @ 5pm. This is your opportunity to participate in electing executive members who will be your union representatives over the next two years. Zoom link has been sent out via CUPE-ALL so check your inbox!

Below is a list of positions up for election at this AGM. Below that you will find the meeting agenda, 2019’s AGM minutes, executive member’s annual reports! Please check CUPE-ALL for extra documentation. Lots of information to get you prepped for the meeting!


2 year terms

  • Vice President: SHANE JOHNSON (incumbent)
  • Secretary Treasurer: PETTY WONG (incumbent)
  • Recording Secretary: MICHEL TURCOTTE (incumbent)
  • Lead Shop Steward/Office Coordinator: ERYNNE GRANT (incumbent)
  • Job Evaluation Coordinator: MILO ANSTEY (incumbent)

1 year terms

  • Member at Large: vacant
  • Member at Large: ALESHA PETERS (incumbent)
  • Campus Shop Steward: JESSE SCOTT (incumbent)
  • Campus Shop Steward: NAJI YAZDI (incumbent)
  • Health and Safety Committee members elected at the Annual General Meeting: ANA-MARIA GARCIA and NANCY-ELLEN MABEY (incumbents)

3 year term

Trustee: vacant (2021-2024)

Vancouver Island District Council (VIDC)

Representative: VACANT
Representative: SHANE JOHNSON
Representative: KEITH TODD
Representative: MICHEL TURCOTTE
Representative: PAMELA VIVIAN
Representative: VACANT
Representative: MELISSA DAVIDSON
Representative: vacant
Representative: vacant
Representative: vacant

 Victoria Labour Council (VLC)

Representative: PAMELA VIVIAN
Representative: SHANE JOHNSON
Representative: CHARLES CAMPBELL
Representative: vacant

CUPE BC Convention

Membership to elect 5 delegates to represent CUPE 2081 at the CUPE BC Provincial Convention on May 19-21 2021. (President plus 5 delegates).


2021.03.22 Agenda.AGM
2019.03.28 Annual General Meeting Minutes

2021.03.22 Vice President – Shane Johnson
2021.03.22 Labour Relations Lead & Office Coordinator – Erynne Grant
2021.03.22 Recording Secretary – Michel Turcotte
2021.03.22 Education Coordinator – Shelley Butler
2021.03.22 Interurban Campus Shop Steward – Naji Yazdi
2021.03.22 Lansdowne Campus Shop Steward – Jesse Scott
2021.03.22 OHS Coordinator – April Atkins
2021.03.22 Job Evaluation Coordinator – Milo Anstey
2021.03.22 Member at Large – Alesha Peters
2021.03.22 Member At Large – Shirley Wendland
2021.03.22 Communications Officer – Jayme Wilkinson
2021.3.22 Board of Governors Representative – Joanne Cumberland


We hope to see you on the screen Monday night!

CUPE Service Improvement Fund (SIF)

From Shelley Butler (Education Coordinator) & Erynne Grant (Labour Relations Officer)

Further to ratification of the new CUPE 2081 collective agreement, (for the term of July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2022), this email is to provide you with an update with respect to the CUPE Service Improvement (SIF) Fund: The Service Improvement (SI) Fund is for specific types of employee training and professional development activities that will enhance the delivery of services to students.

The Service Improvement (SIF) fund is a separate fund to the long-standing Staff Development (SD) Fund and is guided by different principles.

  • The current CUPE Service Improvement Fund Guidelines and Application Form are posted under our “Resources” tab, and will be added to the Camosun Intranet shortly.
  • Actively employed CUPE Local 2081 members who have successfully passed probation may apply for potential funding and will be considered based on the information and criteria provided in the CUPE Service Improvement Fund Guidelines.
  • The Fund may be accessed by individual and/or groups of CUPE employees who have an interest in pursuing training/professional development activities which align with the Purpose of the Fund.


 Which Fund Should You Apply to?



CUPE Staff Development Fund

CUPE Service Improvement Fund

Explore your passion

Services to Students

Pursuit of employee additional education and/or professional developmental goals 

Employee training and professional development activities that enhance the delivery of services to students 

$1,000* Current Annual Max.

Pre/Post Approval Options

$1,250** Yearly Max. for Single Applications

Pre-Approval Strongly Recommended 

  • Courses/ Workshops
  • Conferences
  • Recreational Activities 
  • Courses/ Workshops
  • Conferences 

Examples of Types of Activities: 

  • Yoga
  • Art & Music Lessons
  • Toastmasters
  • Astronomy course
  • Learn to Sail course
  • Run a Small Business course

Examples of Types of Activities:

  •  Indigenous Cultural Competencies
  • Mental Health and Crisis Management
  • Accommodations and other training to support accessible learning for persons with disabilities, communications, conflict resolution, etc.

(i.e. Job Related Education/Skills Training that enhance delivery of services to students)

Collective Agreement Reference:

Article 30:  Staff Development and Training

Collective Agreement Reference:

Letter of Agreement: Service Improvement Fund (2019-2022 collective agreement)

 *$1,000 current (2020-2021 fiscal) annual maximum of which $250 can be used toward recreation activities.

**$1,250 individual maximum request amount. Note there are group funds available. 

CUPE 2081 Members may also apply to the SD fund to potentially cover any expenses not covered by the SI fund. Reimbursement for such expenses will be based on all eligibility requirements for each fund including timelines, annual maximums, and availability of funding, etc.

For more information contact Shelley Butler, Education Coordinator at or Erynne Grant, Labour Relations Office at

A Safe Return to Campus

From Erynne Grant, Labour Relations Officer

Yesterday’s news has created excitement for some and anxiety for others. I know there are questions regarding the College’s CamNews announcement, and I take your comments, concerns and requests seriously and remain committed to assisting whenever possible.

Many of you have already reached out in previous months inquiring about the continuation of remote work, post pandemic. The messaging has remained the same: The College views remote work as temporary.

You’ll recall, in advance of ‘lock down’, we agreed with the College that safety was of paramount concern and the hollowing out of our campuses began. This decision was made with full understanding that we do not have remote work language in our Collective Agreement. Safety drove our decision then and will guide our return now.

A return to campus is an Employer directive and will be made in accordance with direction from the Provincial Health Officer and WorkSafe BC requirements.

For CUPE 2081, this means, if we are directed back to campus and our workplace safety can be reasonably assured, we go back. I respect this will be welcome news to some and anxiety inducing for others. Please know, I hear you and I mirror all your concerns. We are a unionized public sector workplace, directed by Government and must negotiate with the College, our Employer, in accordance with Government directives and the Public Sector Employers Association, of which Camosun is a member.

This means, for us, bargaining is the mechanism to address remote work post pandemic. When the CUPE 2081 bargaining survey goes out next year, I expect a high response rate for negotiating remote work language in a new Collective Agreement!

I anticipated engagement with the College regarding negotiating a safe return to campus this spring/summer but after yesterday’s announcement, all timelines have likely moved up. Please know, I am doing everything reasonably possible to support each of you, while advocating for safety. This has not been an easy path to tread and while competing interests crop up from time to time, I take my responsibility to you all seriously. I also thank you for your continued support and commitment to our community and too each other.

There will be more questions to follow now that we see light at the end of this roller coaster. Continue to read Camnews. Important information will be shared in the coming weeks and months. As we learn new information, I will also send out updates to you all.

Employee Resources – COVID-19 – Camosun College

Your concerns are duly noted, and I remain committed to assisting in all ways possible.
In solidarity,

Erynne Grant l Labour Relations Officer

Greetings CUPE Local 2081, and Happy International Women’s Day!

On March 8th, CUPE Local 2081 stands with people across Canada and around the world in celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. We have so many women in our community and all are worth celebrating, honouring, and supporting. We are proud to report that the Executive leadership of Local 2081 is more than 50% women. Let’s celebrate the women who help keep Local 2081 running, and the people who support them!

While we have much to celebrate, we also have much to fight for. Did you know the pre-pandemic, women earned 32% less than men? Racialized women made 40% less than white men; Indigenous women made 45% less; and immigrant and disabled women made about 56% less. These numbers are staggering, and the pandemic has only added to these discrepancies. More women have been diagnosed and died from COVID-19, because sectors and industries that employ predominantly women have been hit hardest. This is on top of already existing gender-based micro aggressions, sexualized violence, and income disparity.

This is why we together we must choose to challenge gender inequality – today, and everyday.

Check out these resources / events for IWD 2021!

We hope that you can join us in continuing to resist all forms of oppression, for all peoples. Resist: racism, colonialism, ableism, homophobia and transphobia.

Camosun College’s 50th Anniversary Collection Now Available Through the Bookstore!

2021 is Camosun College’s 50th year in operation!

To celebrate this milestone, Camosun has designed and released a 50th Collection – hoodies, t-shirts, cutting boards, hats, reusable drinkware…and more!
All Camosun employees are entitled to a 20% discount off all Camosun branded items, 50th swag included!

To ease with COVID-19 restrictions, online shopping is available. For web order, staff can receive the 20% discount by entering their C# in the “special instructions” field under the shipping instructions.

To check bookstore hours, shop online, or for more information please visit the Bookstore website:

2020 Tax Year – Information around Working From Home Tax Deduction due to COVID-19

Information from Camosun College regarding the new tax deductions around working from home (as posted on the Camosun website):

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) recently announced a temporary simplified method that will allow employees who worked at home due to COVID-19 more than 50 percent of the time for at least four consecutive weeks during the pandemic, to claim an amount of $2 per working day (up to a maximum deduction of $400). This simplified method does not require you to obtain a T2200/T2200S form or maintain documented receipts to validate your claim.
Please note that:

  • Working days include any day during which an employee performs work, at their home, for the employer. There are no minimum hours attached to this, both full-time and part-time employees may count any day on which they performed work for the employer.
  • Non-working days such as weekends, statutory holidays, vacation or sick days are not counted. (Flex days count as working days as we work extra hours in advance to have the time)

For most employees, this simplified method will provide the maximum deduction allowed without the detailed record-keeping normally required for home office deduction claims. 

To claim the simplified method, you must meet the eligibility criteria – Temporary flat rate method as posted on the CRA website. Once you have determined you are eligible, use “Option 1 – Temporary flat rate method” on Form T777S – Statement of Employment Expenses for Working at Home Due to COVID-19 – enter the days you worked (vacation/sick days/weekends don’t count as working days). You will attach the form to your 2020 income tax return. Please refer to the CRA website and these links for further information.

For employees that calculate their work from home expense deduction is greater than that provided under the simplified method, a T2200S form would be used instead. Some considerations for this method:

T2200S form can be requested and will be provided by the College. The T2200S form (“S” meaning “short”) is a new form created for the 2020 tax year and is applicable for Camosun College employees that have been required to work from home. Below are some illustrative examples that show the difference between an individual who is a homeowner and an individual that is renting their place of residence.

Please Note: Camosun College / CUPE 2081 does not provide tax advice. These examples are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax advice. You should consult your own tax advisor for professional advice on your individual circumstance.

Here is an illustration for a homeowner:

Sam is a homeowner who lives in a three bedroom townhome with other family members. He has worked from home continuously from March 15 to December 31, 2020.
The only space available to set up a work area was at the dining table and this space represents eight per cent of the total finished area of the home.
Sam works an average of 50 hours per week so the common space is further prorated by 29.76 per cent (50 hours divided by 168 hours per week) for a total claim amount of 2.38 per cent.
The eligible expenses Sam has for a detailed claim are the utilities and the internet access fee which total $3,250, 2.38 percent of this is $77.35.

Sam also has invoices for office supplies he paid for, totaling $125 which he can claim 100%.

Using a T2200/T2200S, Sam would only be able to claim $202.35.

If Sam worked from home for 190 days (weekends, statutory holidays and vacation have been excluded) a non-accountable deduction (using the simplified method described above) of $380 would provide a greater deduction.

The next illustration provides an example for those who rent their home:

Alexandra and her spouse rent a two bedroom apartment for $2,000 per month. They have both been working from home continuously from April 1 to December 31, 2020. Alexandra has set up her workspace in the couple’s bedroom while her spouse is working from the second bedroom that is usually used as the TV room. Alexandra’s space represents 11.25 per cent of the total finished area of the home and she normally works 40 hours per week, allowing her to claim 2.68 per cent of her share of the rent and home internet access.

Total rent and internet access fees are $18,600. Using the T2200/T2200S method, each spouse may only allocate 50 per cent or $9,300 to their claim and, at 2.68 per cent, this would limit each of their  claims to $249.24.

If Alexandra has worked from home for 180 days (weekends, statutory holidays and vacation have been excluded) a non-accountable deduction (using the simplified method described above) of $360 would provide a greater deduction.

If Alexandra and her spouse are eligible for similar claims that would be a household claim of $720 using the simplified claim as compared to a detailed claim of approximately $500.

You will be able to claim this amount on line 22900, Other Employment Expenses, of your 2020 tax return. This deduction will reduce your taxable income for the year, and will generally result in an income tax refund. However, the amount of the refund may be different based on your unique tax situation.

It is also important to understand the difference between a common workspace and a designated workspace, which is an area in your home that is only used for work. An existing home office that contains your personal documents or a spare bedroom containing personal effects is not a designated workspace. Most people required to work from home as a result of COVID-19 will be considered to be using a common or shared area in their home for work purposes.

When to request a T2200S form
Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for deductions greater than what the simplified method offers. This will require you to:

  • Measure and total the size of your workspace;
  • Obtain the total size of all finished areas in your home (including your workspace);
  • If using a common space in the home determine average weekly working hours; and
  • Collect and maintain supporting documents for all of the expenses you can claim for the period(s) you worked from home

To make a detailed claim, you will require a confirmation of employment form. Upon request, Camosun College may issue a T2200S form to validate your conditions of employment to allow you to make a detailed expense claim for your work at home space.
If choosing the detailed claim method, you are also required to complete and attach Form T777S (Statement of Employment Expenses For Working At Home During COVID-19) to your tax return to deduct home office expenses for the year.

The incrementally greater amount that you may be able to claim using a T2200S, may not be equal to your investment of time and effort.

Walter rents a one bedroom with a small den that was used for his personal computer use and to store household items. From April 1 through December 31, 2020, he also used this space for work. The den is considered a common space and, based on Walters working hours of 50 per week, he would be able to allocate 2 per cent of his rent and internet access fee as working from home expenses. Walter’s total expenses for a detailed claim requiring a T2200S are $20,750. Being able to allocate 2 per cent of that total, Walter is able to claim $415.00.
If Walter worked from home for 185 days the simplified calculation would result in a $370.00 claim.

Although the detailed claim provides an additional amount of $45, the additional tax savings, based on Walter’s net taxable income, is only $18 greater than the simplified method which requires no measurements or documented evidence of expenses.

Please note the T2200S form only validates the condition of employment requiring you to work from home because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It does not provide the value of your eligible deductions, as that is a personal tax matter. In the event of a CRA audit, you must be prepared to present valid proof (e.g. receipts, floorplans, rental contracts, etc.) of any deductions you have claimed. The CRA also occasionally performs in-person inspections of home office claims looking at, among other details, proof that the space is being used solely or jointly for working purposes.

Before requesting a T2200S form we suggest you use the tools that the CRA has created to assist you in estimating a detailed work from home expense claim. As with the examples we have provided you may find the simplified method provides the greater deduction.
The following tools are available from CRA:

  • A comprehensive list of eligible expenses; and
  • calculator to assist you in determining the eligible claim amount

After consideration of your individual work from home situation, if you determine you will require the T2200S please follow this link that will take you to the T2200S request form.  A completed T2200S form will be sent to your preferred email address indicated on the request form. Please note, you are not required to submit the T2200S form with your 2020 tax return but it must be kept in case the CRA requests to see it later.  Therefore, your patience is appreciated while the College processes your request.

Upcoming General Membership Meeting – Feb 1st, 2021

Our next General Membership Meeting for CUPE 2081 will be held on Monday February 1st, 2021 from 5:00-6:30pm. Please check the latest CUPE-ALL email for Zoom link!

Below is our agenda, minutes from the previous meeting, and reports from executive members.

2021.02.01 General Membership Meeting Agenda
2020.12.16 General Membership Meeting – Minutes

2021.01.25 Member At Large Report – Alesha Peters
2021.01.25 Member At Large Report – Shirley Wendland
2021.01.25 OH&S Report – April Atkins
2021.01.25 Vice President Report – Shane Johnson
2021.01.25 Campus Steward Report – Naji Yazdi
2021.01.25 Communications Officer Report – Jayme Wilkinson
2021.01.25 Education Report – Shelley Butler
2021.01.25 Job Evaluation Coordinator Report – Milo Anstey

We hope you will be able to join us!