2018/19 EI Rebate (Apr 1/18-Mar 31/19)


While we await details of the current EI Rebate from the Employer, below are some historical motions passed by the membership for the last several years. You may wish to review this information prior to a motion coming forward regarding usage of this year’s EI Rebate:

March 30, 2017:

That CUPE 2081 use the 2016 EI Rebate of twenty four thousand two hindered forty nine dollars and thirty six cents ($24,249.36) during the period of April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018 to:
1. Increase vision care benefit claims for the period April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018 from a maximum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) every two years to five hundred dollars ($500) every two years for the period April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018 for a total cost of twenty two thousand five hundred dollars ($22,500.00); and
2. Reduce the monthly Psychological Services Plan premium of six dollars ($6.00) per member by three dollars and twenty six cents ($3.26) for a total cost of one thousand seven hundred thirty eight dollars and eight cents ($1,738.08).

April 22, 2016:

That CUPE 2081 use the E.I. Rebate to increase eye wear coverage from two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) to five hundred dollars ($500.00) from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017, and that the balance of the E.I. Rebate be used to enhance the PSP coverage with a benefit to members of two dollars and twelve cents ($2.12) per month, until March 31, 2017.

March 26, 2015:

That CUPE 2081 use the 2014 EI Rebate in the amount of $22,150.00 to add the addition of dental white fillings costed at $8,900 for this benefit enhancement; eye wear $350 for a cost enhancement of $13,000, hearing aids $650 cost enhancement $60 and Orthotics $750 for a cost enhancement of zero for a total of $21,960.

March 27, 2014:

That CUPE apply the EI rebate for 2013/2014 to achieve the same benefits as last year, with an increase in eyewear of $50.00 to be funded in part by CUPE 2081, at a cost not to exceed $1,100.00.

April 23, 2013:

That CUPE 2081 use the 2012 EI Rebate to retain white molar fillings, increase vision ware to $400 in a 24 month period (does not include exam as that is covered in the CA). $700 for hearing aids in a 5 year period and $800 yearly for orthopedic shoes and foot orthotics.

March 27, 2012:

That CUPE 2081 use the 2011 EI rebate to maintain the ‘top-up’ to $350 for vision care and coverage for white molar fillings.
(*The College is willing to top up the necessary balance to keep this benefit as status quo as there was a shortfall of approximately $4000.)

April 28, 2011:

That CUPE Local 2081 Executive recommends that the EI Rebate of $25,319.35 be put toward coverage of white molar fillings in the dental care plan, and the remainder of funds be put towards increasing vision care benefits for all eligible members.

When we have received details of the current EI Rebate amounts, they will be reported to you.

Thank you!

General Meeting – January 26, both campuses


A friendly reminder regarding the proposed changes to our By-Laws to be presented at our January 26 General Meeting , 12-1pm, LACC 354 (Interurban) & Ewing 344 (Lansdowne).

2018.01.26 Agenda – January General Meeting Agenda

2017.12.14 – December General Meeting Minutes

By-laws for January 26 General Meeting

Summary of By-laws Amendments for January 26 Meeting

See you there!

Labour slate sweeps Pacific Blue Cross board elections

(reposted from CUPE BC)

Progressive candidates take all seven seats as CUPE-led campaign nets massive voter turnout

VANCOUVER—A massive turnout by Pacific Blue Cross primary plan holders at the benefit provider’s annual general meeting last night has resulted in half of the company’s board of directors being replaced by an entire slate of labour-endorsed candidates.

The election of all seven progressive nominees sends a clear message about the desire for change at PBC and represents an overwhelming rebuke of the company’s treatment of its workers in the last round of bargaining, said CUPE 1816 President Beth Miller.

“PBC plan holders were clearly concerned about the board’s role in allowing concessions and tolerating a lockout, and the turnout for this vote really tells the story,” said Miller. “We look forward to working with the new board to seek a new leadership model that will return PBC to its progressive roots.”

Aaron Ekman and Alicia Gallo were acclaimed when two current directors and two BC Nurses Union nominees withdrew before the vote. The other five slate candidates were supported by 90 per cent of the PBC members in attendance. In the health care professional member category, Dr. Sandra Jenneson and Dr. Stephane Voyer soundly defeated current director John Hope while another current director withdrew. In the individual member category, Brendan Dick, Joe Elworthy and Jim Iker similarly defeated incumbent directors Gary Fane and Gerry Smith and a third candidate, Cynthia Bratkowski, who ran to replace another incumbent director who had withdrawn.

The CUPE-led campaign, supported by the BC Federation of Labour and affiliates—including the Hospital Employees’ Union, MoveUP, Unifor, and the BC Teachers’ Federation—created enough momentum to put nearly 800 primary plan holders on buses and get them out to the Westin Bayshore to cast their votes for change.

The shuttle buses came from the PBC offices in Burnaby, a PNE parking lot in East Vancouver, and from Surrey, Langley, Abbotsford and Chilliwack.

“On behalf of CUPE, we want to thank all the plan members who came out to vote, the candidates for putting their names forward, and the BC Fed and its affiliates who heeded our call for change and supported this campaign from beginning to end,” said Miller.

For photos from the AGM, see the Gallery here.

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Retooled CPP expansion still punishes parents and disabled Canadians

(reposted from cupe.ca)

CUPE is calling on the Trudeau government to match its rhetoric with action when it comes to addressing the serious gap in the 2016 CPP expansion. The proposed fix to the government’s plan announced Monday at the meeting of Canada’s finance ministers appears to be yet another half-measure that maintains a serious penalty for workers who take time off due to disability or to raise children.

In 2016, the Liberal government’s CPP expansion legislation crucially neglected to include a “drop-out” provision for workers who take time away from work due to child-raising responsibilities or disability. CUPE and other organizations raised the issue at the time, but the government ignored those interventions and passed the legislation with these critical flaws built in. The issue was revisited this week during meetings of the federal, provincial, and territorial finance ministers.

But unfortunately, the government did not implement a drop-out provision that would allow workers to subtract the years they were away from work from their CPP calculation. Instead, the government’s latest proposal will likely, in the vast majority of cases, result in unfair and preventable penalties during retirement for Canadians with child-raising responsibilities, especially women, and people who suffered a significant injury or illness during their career.

“Until the government announces the full restoration of the child-rearing and disability drop-outs, this proposed fix remains a discriminatory half-measure,” said CUPE National President Mark Hancock. “For all their rhetoric about helping working people and middle-class families, the Liberals are falling short of their promises once again, and Canadians are getting short-changed as a result.”

“Canadians view this as an important equality issue, and they shouldn’t have to wait several more years for the government to do the right thing,” said CUPE National Secretary-Treasurer Charles Fleury. “We need a full drop-out provision so that workers aren’t penalized when they reach retirement simply for taking care of their kids or for being injured.”

Happy holidays from CUPE National!

As the holiday season approaches, and as 2017 comes to a close, we want to send our warmest holiday greetings and our most sincere thanks to all CUPE members.

The past year has been full of challenges, as members across the country stood strong in the fight for fairness, respect and better working conditions, at the bargaining table and on the picket line. CUPE has led the charge against precarious work, and for more stable employment and retirement security for all Canadians.

CUPE members have never been in a better position to bargain forward on the things that matter most. As a union, with over 650,000 members, our solidarity has never been stronger. We are strong because of activists and leaders like you.

In the spirit of peace, justice and solidarity, we wish you a wonderful holiday season and the very best for 2018.

In solidarity,


General Membership meeting: Thursday, December 14

Seasons Greetings,

We look forward to seeing you for a quick General Membership meeting, Thursday, Dec 14 at 5:00pm, Fisher 200, to be followed by a festive Seasonal Social in the Lansdowne Cafeteria. There will be light refreshments and tasty holiday treats to enjoy!

Please review the Agenda and available documents in advance, so we may keep our business on the day as timely as possible.

2017.12.14 Agenda – December General Meeting Agenda

2017.10.20 – October General Meeting Minutes

2017.12 December Report – Correspondence Secretary


Final Representative Report – Victoria Labour Council November 17

December17 – Representative Report – Job Evaluation Coordinator

We wish everyone a safe, happy and relaxing holiday season.

Modified Work Week during Holiday Closure? Check Your Flex!

Do you participate in the Modified Work Week (MWW) Program? Does your next earned time off (flex) day occur during the College closure from Dec 23/17-Jan 1/18? If so, you will need to reschedule your flex day.

Generally, a flex day may be rescheduled on a work day as soon as possible following the closure as mutually agreed between you and your supervisor and to meet operational needs.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.